Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Psalm 136

"His steadfast love endures forever"

This line is repeated over and over and over and over in this psalm. Through blessings and curses, victories and defeats, good times and bad, this phrase is repeated.

And it should be. We live in a world of shifting sand, where nothing can really be counted on. Jobs change, the economy recesses, stock prices drop. People pass on, move away, fail in the clutch, and disappoint us. Our hopes and dreams whither and die on the vine, before they have the chance to become reality. We see death and destruction around us, violence in nature and in mankind.

There is really only one constant.
"His steadfast love endures forever"

There is really only one thing we can always count on.
"His steadfast love endures forever"

When our world shakes and trembles around us.
"His steadfast love endures forever"

When we are unsure of our footing.
"His steadfast love endures forever"

When people betray us and put themselves first.
"His steadfast love endures forever"

When we feel lost and alone.
"His steadfast love endures forever"

When all else fails.
"His steadfast love endures forever"

Location:Stanley Ave,Cincinnati,United States

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