Monday, April 6, 2009

Luke 19 - Darker

The parable of the 10 Talents is found in Matthew 25.
The parable of the 10 Minas is found in Luke 19.

One is famous and one is not. What's the difference? In the Minas version, the man is going away to be made king and his servants hate him enough to send people to plead with the powers that be not to make him king. The rest of the story follows the same pattern (aside from the differences in the amount of money they were given). But at the end, the newly appointed king orders those who opposed him put to death.

Why the differences in the story? It is assumed Luke was writing to Gentiles and Matthew to Hebrews. Was this omitted in Matthew's version to not scare the Hebrew servants who did not want Jesus to be king? The Minas version certainly seems to frame the money-lender as Jesus over the Father - Jesus is in effect leaving us for a time and then returning as acting king. Whereas in the Talent version, it seems like the Father is the master, because Jesus is telling the story.

A Minas is generally accepted to be 1/16th of a Talent. This seems to imply that the Luke version would deal more with the common man while Matthew was dealing with the wealthy.

Maybe it is one of these things. Maybe all. Maybe none. The fact remains, Luke's version is notably darker than Matthew's and the point of both is the same.
We've all been blessed and we're expected to put those blessings to work.

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