Friday, April 17, 2009

Persistent Power

What happens when one power is threatened by another? How do people react when their power may be usurped or upended? How does the veteran react when the talented young rookie steals his starting spot? How does the CEO react when the board disagrees with him for the first time? How do parents react when their 18-year old makes a decision knowing they will disagree?

The Sadducees wrestled with the emergence of the power of Jesus. Every ruler of the time wrestled with the emergence of the power of Jesus. They rejected his power. They questioned his power. They forbid the mention of it. None of these things stopped it.

That's the thing with real power - you can't stop it. You can disagree all you want. You can fight all you want. Nothing will stop it.

No matter what we want or what we do, God's power is paramount. We think we have power, but in comparison it is just an illusion. We can claim our power, we can reject God's power, we can try to silence or ignore God, but in the end God will reign.

What doesn't happen in the world is the embrace of an external power. What doesn't existence in the world is the foundation of love in that new power. What doesn't happen in the world is the rejection of personal power.

If reject God's power, it will become the capstone. If we try to enforce silence from God's followers, the rocks will cry out. If we renounce our own power and rely only on God's power, He will gladly share it with us.

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