Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Luke 6 - Woah. Truly.

If I truly look at myself, I have to admit that I'm rich. Sure, I don't own a house anymore or have a (brand) new car or any diamond-encrusted watches, rings or cell-phones, but I am drinking over-priced tea at Starbucks instead of dirty river water.

If I truly look at myself, I have to admit that I'm well-fed. In fact, this belt is down to its last notch.

If I truly look at myself, I laugh way more than I weep. Sure, the older I get the more I tend to cry at movies (the end of Cars gets me every time), but I laugh way more.

If I truly look at myself, more men speak well of me than not. I'm sure I have my detractors, but they never really get in my face.

Well, crap. What am I doing wrong?

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