Friday, March 20, 2009

Luke 9 - One Word

Luke’s account of what it means to be a disciple includes one word that the other gospels omit. Daily. One word, five letters, a world of meaning. We can’t just take up our cross once and be a disciple, we must do it every day. Being a disciple isn’t just a one-time decision; it is making that same decision repeatedly, daily, constantly. It is a conscious ongoing choice to follow Jesus and bring others along with you.

We often wonder what Paul means when he says we should pray continually. If we look at Jesus’ words here, it becomes more clear. Every moment we are laying down our lives and picking up our cross. We can’t do that on our own. We can’t do that alone. We need help. That help comes from God first and second (like the first) from people. If we are to be disciples, we must constantly be in contact with God. We must constantly choose to put Him first and ourselves second.

Daily. One word that changes every moment in the Christian life.

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